Monday 16 September 2013

One dimensional face!

So during a phone conversation with my girl Lauren ( - check out her blog its amaazzee!) the phrase 'One dimensional face' popped up. After lots of confusion and giggling we decided that the term is actually very real in some cases.

Okay so the definition below wasn't extracted from Oxford dictionary but I feel like it should be in there. Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with people who like simple make-up and don't layer up! The issue I have is when people who intend to make there faces up only use one dimensional make-up, i.e a layer of foundation... and that is all. Make up is supposed to accentuate what you already have so by masking your face with foundation and leaving it at that you are really not doing your make-up or your face any justice. The key thing to remember is that foundation is just an element of make-up  not make-up itself. Even just applying blusher will create a dimension, by highlighting your cheeks your are bringing out your cheekbones and creating angles in your face. Eye-shadow application can create another dimension by contouring the crease and making your eyes pop. My favourite way of creating dimensions to your face is by contouring. contouring is simple and looks natural (if done correctly), but makes such a difference to you make-up  I believe contouring is what differentiates a plain natural look to an edgy natural look. Contouring the eyes, the cheeks and the nose will really sculpt your face and you can control how dark you want your contour colour to be or how bright you want the highlighter to be dependent on how made up you want to look. I feel like contouring should be in everybody's life as it is simple, emphasises and flatters. If darker contouring really isn't for you or you don't feel comfortable appyling it, try doing the reverse and really highlight areas you want to stand out, i.e your brow bone, the apple of your cheeks and just under your nose. This will not change anything about your face but will affect the way light hits your face giving a structured and flattering glow to your face. Hope this helps guys. Keep contouring <3 

On·e Dimens·ional Fa·ce  

/One dymenshional fayce/
When make-up is worn in a one dimensional form. i.e. no contouring, blusher or bronzer, no angles are created in most cases giving a flat and non flattering look. 'But your face... its so 'One dimensional!'
flat, simple

Mwah xo

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