Tuesday 6 May 2014

Battle of the rouge lip!

So finding the perfect red lip can be a bit of a mission, with all the different shades and undertones out there. It has taken me a while to do so but I have found my perfect red... Well almost. I've found two. I've decided to bring the internal ongoing debate I have as to which one is my favourite to my blog.
Candidate number 1 is the infamous Ruby Woo by MAC. I love this red, it is the perfect balance between a deep and bright red. Super long lasting and super matte! It doesn't budge and there is 0 bleeding with this. My only criticism with this is almost not a criticism... I feel like sometimes (mostly in the winter) it becomes too matte and drying, It actually becomes hard to apply, which isn't entirely pleasant. In the summer I have no complaints but with the weather in the UK it's not very avoidable.
Candidate number 2 is the Yves Saint Laurent Rouge Pur Couture The Mat in colour 203, I love love love this, it is pretty similar to Ruby Woo but slightly brighter. You can achieve that deep luxurious look with a bit of dark lip liner blended into it. This also doesn't bleed and lasts longer than most lipsticks although I don't believe the longevity quite matches upto Ruby Woo.
So not much difference between the two but from reading my own argument I think I prefer Yves Saint Laurent Rouge Pur Couture The Mat - 203 simply due to the way it looks and feels lovely on the lips. Your lips are delicate so anything you put on it shouldn't be dragging it or drying it out. For quick intensity for a photo shoot maybe I would definitely go for Mac but for everyday, throw in the handbag type of use,any time of the year YSL wins for me.
I think.
I'll probably change my mind next week, but for now :)
P.s They both smell ahmmaazing!

Mwah xo


  1. Both the same, but both clearly different! I'd go for YSL just because it's such a Luxe brand. :p


  2. Yves Saint Laurent all the way!!! Always a statement wearing abit of couture!!! Big Love Zeeee xx

  3. OBSESSED with Ruby Woo, but I must give the YSL a try! Thanks for sharing xx

