Saturday 24 May 2014

Life update

Hey guys! The other week I finished my make-up course which now accredits me as a fully qualified hair and make-up artist! (very exciting). It was an intense course but I'm so glad I did it as personally helped me really round of the skills I taught myself. I trained at MINK London which is an amazing make-up school and agency. There was so much variety in what was taught, from African bridal and airbrush make-up to special effects and make up for TV and Film. I honestly don't think there is anything we weren't shown. 

I really thought long before actually committing to the course as I know of a few make-up artists who have made it without any official training. I figured in the end it would only help not hinder to combine my self taught skills with training to show me things I probably would take to longer to find out if I taught myself, some clients also tend to feel more relaxed if you have some kind of qualification. That is not to say being a 'qualified make-up-artist' puts me above a self taught make-up artist as you can only be taught to a certain extent, and it is really down to creativity and initiative to further perfect the skill and create a success of yourself. I'm currently working on that as we speak, always looking for ways to put myself out there and doing little jobs here and there to build up my portfolio. 

I recently worked on set of an indie film doing hair and make-up. The whole thrill of the day confirmed that this is really what I want to do in life, the 5 am start, the constant back and for between locations, rushed off my feet, creative input and endless nose powdering didn't put me off one bit. It was an amazing experience and I cant wait for more.

Here is a recent shot from my portfolio....

Mwah xo

P.s. Photographers.... Holla at me :)

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